Bricks 4 Kidz [NO REPLY] - St Ives Park Public School | After School Term 2 | Air, Land and Sea | Tue 02 May - Tue 27 Jun | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | 9 weeks

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St Ives Park Public School | After School Term 2 | Air, Land and Sea | Tue 02 May - Tue 27 Jun | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | 9 weeks

Acron Road
St Ives NSW 2075, New South Wales 2075

Step aboard to build some exciting ways to get from here to there. Take to the sky in our Bricks 4

Kidz® helicopter model, race across the beach in an ingenious land sail, or zoom through the

water on a jet ski! Kids will learn what makes each machine unique and how it moves, exploring

concepts such as buoyancy, propulsion, lift and g-forces! What other ways will you invent to travel

through air, land and sea?